How to improve the justice system for under $1000/year

Over the next few weeks, I will provide you with 3 simple ideas that any Judge or court administrator can implement to improve the justice system for under $1000/year.

Unfortunately, most people are comfortable with the status quo and will likely push back on any suggested changes. But don’t despair. I’ve been through it already and I’m here to help you get through it. Here are a few objections I’ve heard over the years that you may too.

“This is how we’ve always done it.”

This is the number 1 objection you will hear in the justice system. And if you are like me, it’s the one that will get under your skin the most.

·       Objection #2 — We can’t afford it.

·       Objection #3 — We don’t have IT.

·       Objection #4 — We don’t have the time.

·       Objection #5 — “They” will never go for it.

If you stay committed and take the long view, you will be able to overcome these objections and design a more efficient, effective & accessible justice system for under $1000 a year. 

Please remember to join my subscriber chat channel where we will discuss this post and the many ways we have modernized the justice system in my court over the years.


A simple $300 website can improve the justice system overnight.


The Case for Modernizing the Justice System